Qigong practice is a creative act
Practicing qigong is a creative act. It's not just a thing that you "should follow the instructions". you need to think for yourself. Adapt your mind to consume to the root ideas of taiji and qigong. You have to begin to understand that qigong is a gateway to a deeper way of being. A way of allowing your nature to come out.
You go into the nature and you practice and you become the nature. You let go of your thoughts in favor of your visceral lived experience as a creature in a living body. What are you!? How is this living body possible!?
People refuse to look at the power of the basic fact of life. The greatest power and love and understanding and fulfillment is directly available. It is literally living us. We don't want to see the fundamentals. So we go through life looking at the words that people say instead of reveling in, and opening to the raw, visceral, present reality of the situation we're in.
Don't accept the status quo answers at face value. Words are not the same as life. Life doesn't need your concept or language or word or "thing" to exist. Life is a process that is WAY bigger than you. So a "yin" quality of mind leads to yang quality of spirit. Quiet your mind. Allow the spirit of nature to come through you.
In order to do this we have to be renegades. Don't believe a single thing your teacher says. Listen, understand, and then try it for yourself. See if it works. Investigate for yourself. All people are equal. We have have the same potential. But some people settle for things instead of seeking Life. They settle for dead objects instead of living relationships. They settle for a safe, comfortable fake world of things that they "know", instead of a real, perilous, living world of unknowable curiosity and exploration.
Go somewhere where the nature is beautiful. Where the Life is thriving around you. Where the meadow is still, or the creek is babbling, or the ocean is crashing.
Stop thinking and start being! Understand what’s at the heart of this and own it. Get creative about it. Make it yours.
This is what my qigong is about.